How big is big?

As a lot of the honors students might know, I am obsessed with animes. So let’s talk about size in animes. My most favorite anime is One Piece. The protagonist of that anime is Luffy, who is a rather pale looking guy of average height, but with enormous strength such that he can crush people twice his size. And watching One Piece and other such animes have taught me that size really doesn’t matter. It’s your will power and how much dedication and heart you put into what you are doing, that matters.

Also, big and small is a matter of perspective. Imagine you were a giant and were looking at humans. Of course, those humans would seem puny little beings to you. But now think about yourself as a human seeing a giant. I think most of us would be overwhelmed by the sheer size of that giant. However, just because the giant is enormous doesn’t necessarily make him the superior being. Someone like Luffy would be enchanted by the giant’s size and would ask the giant to join his crew (which he actually did in the anime).

This makes me reflect on whether size really matters. I think about the anime, but then an anime is a fantasy. And I am in reality. However, I feel like it’s all in our minds. We don’t really know how big is big. So, why feel overwhelmed by the size of something. Just become one with it and approach it in a way that will make size worthless. For example, even though the skyscrapers in NYC are huge in comparison to human beings, at their very core they are still human creations. So, for them, no matter how puny humans are, we are still their creators. Perspective really matters in shaping things and in deciding whether you want to let it consume you, or be the one in command.

One thought on “How big is big?”

  1. I really like how you related size to personal experience, just not your very own, making your post very unique. I also found it very interesting how you said size doesn’t matter, but rather the power behind the size. Good job!

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