Music is life. I feel like listening to music is the only time in the day when I meditate. It’s a feeling wherein I become one with it. It also depends on what I am looking for in a music. For example, it could be either the sensuous plane music wherein I just listen to it for getting lost in its melody. I do those a lot of times during the morning, where I would usually hate it when someone would pull me out of my music because, “Relax bro, I’m meditating!” Or it could be the expressive kind where I try to make sense of everything by joining it with meanings and making a story out of it, like I am trying to do right now, so that I could scribble something about it. Either ways music is music, and I would still love it.
I listen to a variety of music, all the way from rap to a kind of classical music. But when I want to get lost in the music I look for something that has no words so that I am not being forced to understand the music using the interpretation of those words. Usually I end up listening to some anime melodies as most of you all know, I love animes! Also, it really depends on my mood. But as of right now I will be pointing towards my interpretation of Shukumei from the anime Fairy Tail.
Shukumei is a sad melody. But apart from that it is quite hard to figure out what kind of sad it is. It is sorrow sadness, hopeful sadness or even struggling sadness. At first when I heard it in the anime, it was played after all the conflicts were solved and despite all the loses they were hopeful about the future. But upon listening it multiple times I felt like there was more pain hidden in the music wherein despite everything is over, you can’t seem to forget about what you lost in the past conflict, could be a relation, could be something precious that is a reminder of someone or even a certain someone you have loved since forever. And now when I listen to it I begin questioning about what is real? It makes me think philosophically and makes me think about life in general. What is life and what is existence. It might not be the same with everybody, and that’s the beauty of it. I love this song, not because it resonates with me and my life in some ways, but because it makes me one with a timeless universe, where there are no individual entities, but only a single unity. However, I just want to point out that I am presently listening to this music while writing this song, so my mind is semi engaged in it, and therefore such thoughts. I don’t even know if I am making sense anymore. I feel like music gives life an abstract meaning where anything and everything is possible, if you want it to be!