Are you passionate about a political issue or social cause? Has a volunteer opportunity or recent travel made you think about the broader world and your position in it? Are your future plans motivated by your ethical concerns? If these questions spark your interest and you are a junior or senior, please strongly consider entering the 2015 Prize in Ethics Essay Contest, sponsored by the Elie Wiesel Foundation for Humanity. The foundation offers generous prizes for winning essays and the deadline is December 8, 2014.
2015 Essay Topic: Articulate with clarity an ethical issue that you have encountered and analyze what it has taught you about ethics and yourself.
Your essay must be your own original work, and must be submitted through an online application. You will need to provide proof of enrollment and contact information for a faculty sponsor. For further information and to begin your application, please visit login.php?formid=2538564 and feel free to contact me to discuss this wonderful opportunity further.