Workshop: Fellowships for Freshmen and Sophomores

Workshop: What Are External Fellowships and Why Should I Care?

Are you looking for ways to help pay for college or graduate school? Are you unsure of how to begin or overwhelmed by the application process?

Come attend a workshop on finding fellowships for financing college or graduate school. In addition to funding your studies, fellowships build your resume, provide valuable work or research experience, and help you establish a track record as a successful grant recipient.

This workshop will help you start thinking about matching your experiences and interests with appropriate fellowship applications and provide easy steps to lessen stress and strengthen your applications.

The workshop will be held on Wednesday March 25, 2015  from 12:15 to 1:30 in Honors Hall Rm. 17. This will be an interactive workshop with plenty of time for questions. The session will be most useful for first year students or sophomores, but all are very welcome.

If you are unable to attend, please be sure to contact Dr. Egan, our National Fellowships Advisor at or 718-997-2863 to schedule a time to talk individually.

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Peace Corps is Coming to Queens

Have you always wanted to immerse yourself in another culture?  Do you have a desire to share your skills in an international environment?  Come learn about the Peace Corps from a recruiter who is also a former Peace Corps volunteer to see if it’s for you!

Date: March 9th 2015

Time: Fre Hour: 12:15-1:30

Location: Honors Hall Rm. 17

Applications are due April 1, so if you’re interested please begin exploring this amazing opportunity as soon as possible.

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Study Abroad Scholarship

Are you interested in having an international experience? Exploring another culture? Gaining diverse classroom and work experience in another country?

Consider applying for The Benjamin A. Gilman Scholarship, which offers grants for undergraduate students to pursue academic studies or credit-bearing, career-oriented internships abroad.

The program aims to encourage students to choose non-traditional study and intern destinations, especially locations outside of Western Europe, Australia and New Zealand. The Gilman Scholarship Program aims to support students who have been traditionally under-represented in education abroad, including: students with high financial need, students in underrepresented fields such as the sciences and engineering, students with diverse ethnic backgrounds and students with disabilities.

Scholarship amounts vary depending on the length of study and individual need. The average award, however, is approximately $4,000 for fall and spring programs, and $3,000 for summer programs. Awards can be up to $5,000.


  • The Gilman Scholarship is open to all undergraduates who are:
    • U.S. Citizens
    • Receiving a Pell Grant
    • In good academic standing
    • Applying to a study abroad or internship program for which you will receive school credit.
    • Applying to a program that lasts at least four weeks (28 days) in one country. Programs for more than one country are eligible if the student will be in one country for at least four consecutive weeks.
    • Not traveling to a location listed on U.S. Department of State’s current Travel Warning list.

The application process includes:

  • Uploading your official transcript. We recommend that you order a copy from Registrar in advance, so that you have ample time to receive and upload it.
  • A Statement of Purpose Essay, in which you address the impact that your trip abroad will have on your academic, professional and personal goals. You should also discuss the impact that the Gilman Scholarship would have on your achievement of these goals.
  • A Follow-On Service Project Proposal, in which you explain how you will give back by inspiring others to pursue their own experiences abroad. This project can be done on your home campus or in your local community and must be completed within six months of your return to the United States. This proposal is closely reviewed during the selection process.

For Summer 2015 programs, the application deadline is March 3, 2015. In addition, the study abroad or financial aid office must certify your application by March 10, 2015. Both components must be completed by the deadline or your application will not be considered.

We look forward to your applying!


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Summer Abroad Fellowship for Freshmen and Sophomores

Are you a first-year student or sophomore interested in spending 3-6 weeks in the UK this summer studying, exploring British culture and building academic skills?  Would you like to study Shakespeare’s plays where they were originally performed?  Would you like to explore British children’s literature and maybe write your own?  Are you interested in Scottish or Welsh identity, Irish politics, British archaeology or climate change?

Consider applying for the UK Fulbright Summer Institute. You can learn more about this paid fellowship at and by attending an information session on Wednesday, February 4th in Rm. 17 during free hour: 12:15-1:30.  Materials are due either February 26th or March 5th, depending on the institute you choose.

If you are interested, please visit the UK Summer Institute’s website, come learn more on February 4th, and contact me to discuss your application.

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Paid Opportunities for Summer Study

Are you interested in political thought and/or government policy?  Would you like to be paid to spend some time this Summer exploring your interests in depth?  Read on to learn about some amazing opportunities offered by the Hertog Foundation!  Applications for the programs described below are due February 9th. Visit to learn more and apply.

Political Studies Program

  • Eligibility: Undergraduates and recent graduates
  • Location: Washington, DC
  • Duration: 6-week program, June 21-August 1, 2015
  • Stipend: Provides housing and meals, plus $3,000 stipend

Hertog Fellows study classic texts in political thought and some of the seminal documents of American politics with an outstanding faculty. In addition, students study selected public policy issues with some of those who helped formulate and implement those policies.

War Studies Program

  • Eligibility: Rising college juniors, seniors and recent graduates
  • Location: Washington, DC
  • Duration: 2-week program, July 25-August 7, 2015
  • Stipend: Provides housing and meals, plus $1,500 stipend

The War Studies Program, run by the Institute for the Study of War, aims to educate undergraduate students about the theory, practice, organization, and control of war and military forces. Over the course of the program, students will learn from and interact with distinguished senior leaders in the national security and military communities, including retired generals and leading intellectuals.

Economic Policy Studies Program

  • Eligibility: Undergraduates and recent graduates
  • Location: Washington, DC
  • Duration: 2-week program, August 2-August 15, 2015
  • Stipend: Provides housing and meals, plus $1,500 stipend

Led by Yuval Levin, editor of National Affairs, this seminar aims to educate undergraduate students about the intersection of theory and practice in our national politics. Students will learn from and interact with distinguished experts in various arenas of public policy and leading elected officials in Washington.

Advanced Institutes

  • Eligibility: Undergraduates, graduates, and graduate students
  • Location: Washington, DC and New York City
  • Duration: 1-week seminars include $750 stipend plus housing and meals

The 2015 Advanced Institutes include:

Please feel free to contact me to discuss your application.

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Fellowship for Freshmen and Sophomores: Additional Information

I am delighted that so many first and second year students have attended recent information sessions on the J. K. Watson Fellowship, which provides three paid Summer internships and cultural and professional development activities throughout the years of the fellowship.  If you were unable to attend one of the sessions, please visit the fellowship’s website and contact me as soon as possible to discuss your plans.  Our campus deadline is January 26th, so here are some important next steps:

  • Contact potential recommenders as soon as possible since faculty members will probably not be available to talk with you about writing a letter over Winter Break.
  • Make an appointment with me so that we can talk about your application and the essays.

I look forward to working with many of you on this wonderful opportunity.


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Summer Internships for Freshmen and Sophomores


FREE HOUR (12:15 – 1:30)




How would you like to work for a summer… at the U.N? On Wall Street? At a Fortune 500 company? At a New York publishing house?


Come to the above information session to learn more about the Jeannette K. Watson Summer Fellows Program.


Fellows have the opportunity to take paid, ten-week internships for three consecutive summers in the areas of nonprofit, government service, and private enterprise. Fellows receive a stipend of $5,000 for the first summer and $6,000 each for the second and third summers.


To be eligible:

  • You must be a second- semester freshman or a sophomore, as of the start of the spring 2015 semester
  • You must demonstrate competence in college level work
  • You cannot be more than 25 years old on March 1, 2015
  • You must be an American citizen or “green card” holder.  You may not be on an international student visa
  • Be available for three consecutive summers
  • Be available for mandatory Saturday workshops


For more information, contact Dr. Moira Egan at 718- 997- 2863, or

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Information Session: What Can I Do This Summer?

Are you exploring career opportunities? Are you looking for a short-term study abroad experience? Are you interested in making connections that could help you achieve your academic and professional goals?

Come explore these questions further at an upcoming information session sponsored by the Office of Honors and Scholarships.

Date: December 3rd

Time: Free Hour, from 12:15-1:30

Location: Honors Hall Rm. 17

We will discuss Summer opportunities, including public policy work, study and research abroad, and career-building paid internships. Students at all stages of their academic careers are welcome to attend.

Please contact me with any questions, and I look forward to meeting many of you on December 3rd!

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Information Session: What Can I Do After Graduation

Are you exploring career opportunities? Are you unsure about Graduate School or do you want to go to graduate school later? Are you passionate about a social or political issue and looking for a way to devote your full time to it?

Come explore these questions further at an upcoming information session sponsored by the Office of Honors and Scholarships.

Date: November 19th

Time: Free Hour, from 12:15-1:30

Location: Honors Hall Rm. 12

We will discuss one-year opportunities including public policy work, teaching, non-profit and community service. This session will be particularly useful for seniors, but all are welcome.

Please feel free to  contact me with any questions, and I look forward to meeting many of you on November 19th.

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Fellowship For Seniors Interested in Foreign Service Careers

Want to make a difference in the world?  Promote U.S. and global interests?  Consider the Charles B. Rangel International Affairs Graduate Fellowship Program.  The Program seeks outstanding young people interested in careers in the Foreign Service of the U.S. Department of State. The program provides benefits of up to $95,000 over two years toward a two-year master’s degree, ar­ranges internships on Capitol Hill and at U.S. embassies, and provides mentorship and professional develop­ment support. Fellows can use the fellowship to attend two-year master’s programs in U.S. institutions to study any area relevant to the Foreign Service, including international relations, public policy, public administration, economics, or business administration. Upon successful completion of the two-year program, Fellows join the Foreign Service of the U.S. Depart­ment of State, embarking on a uniquely rewarding career of international service. Applicants must be college seniors or graduates looking to start two-year graduate programs in fall 2015, must have GPAs of at least 3.2, and must be U.S. citizens. The program welcomes any undergraduate major and encour­ages applications from members of minority groups his­torically underrepresented in the Foreign Service and those with financial need. Infor­mation and application materials can be found at The applica­tion deadline is January 14, 2015.


Don’t be caught off guard by the January 14th deadline!  The application requires two statements from you, two letters of recommendation, a copy of your GRE scores and other supporting documents. You’ll want to start early to be sure you have enough time to gather your materials, write and revise your statements and submit everything by the deadline.  Please feel free to contact me to discuss your application and to go over your essays.


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