A Da Vinci Comes to Life

When The Da Vinci Code came out a few years ago, there was a huge buzz surrounding it. I thought it died down, until I found this article in the New York Times describing a new way to look at one of Da Vinci’s most famous paintings (and also a big part of the movie), The Last Supper. Peter Greenaway, a filmmaker, uses cutting-edge technology to bring Da Vinci’s masterpiece to art. Projectors, computers and speakers allow Greenaway to tell the entire story of the painting, with some aspects appearing three-dimensional, and other parts actually moving. I think this is a brilliant idea, because I feel like this would attract a younger audience, maybe even an audience that isn’t really interested in art. Combining a classic masterpiece with the newest technology is like creating an entirely different work of art, one that can cross the different generational gaps, and appeal to the most experienced critic, as well as the most amateur observer.

Da Vinci's "The Last Supper"

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3 Responses to A Da Vinci Comes to Life

  1. swlau258 says:

    That is quite amazing and it would attract a wider audience. It’s nice to see that art has evolved into so many different things in our day and age. I loved the article.


  2. esmaldone says:

    I’ll be very interested to see this, but there is something about seeing a work of art like this in its own environment that cannot be recreated. Viewing a picture of the Rocky Mountains is not the same thing as being there; reading about food is not the same as eating it; you get the idea. Nevertheless, it would be interesting to see what this artist can reveal about the Leonardo painting (and thus about Leonardo and the era in which he created).

  3. egailing9 says:

    This is very innovative and interesting. At the same time, I do agree that going to see a piece of original artwork is so different than viewing another version of it. Last April, I had quite an experience when I was able to go see La Pieta in St. Peter’s Basilica in Vatican City. I had seen the beautiful sculpture in pictures and had also seen a small replica of it. In person, I was able to fully appreciate the sculpture. It ended up being such an enriching experience to be within feet of the same piece of marble that Michelangelo himself had worked on.
    Here’s a link to the sculpture: This is very innovative and interesting. At the same time, I do agree that going to see a piece of original artwork is so different than viewing another version of it. Last April, I had quite an experience when I was able to go see La Pieta in St. Peter’s Basilica in Vatican City. I had seen the beautiful sculpture in pictures and had also seen a small replica of it. In person, I was able to fully appreciate the sculpture. It ended up being such an enriching experience to be within feet of the same piece of marble that Michelangelo himself had worked on.
    Here’s a link to the sculpture:


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