Mixed Media

I decided I would post about the Pilobolus Dance Theater I saw perform over the summers. I’m not a huge modern dance person but I found each piece they performed to be extremely compelling and fun. They have so many innovative and creative ways of combining movement and imagination.

I found this article discussing the group in the New York Times from 2007: check it out.

One of the pieces that really stuck out for me was a collaboration with Art Speigelman, whose work we will be studying in Dr. Davison’s class. I personally love seeing collaboration in the arts. It reminds that life is made up of so many different complexities that result in this beautifully messy mass that can sometimes only be reflected by art.

Here’s a link to the video of highlights from the Speigelman-Pilobolus collaboration: watch it!

You can find more of their videos on their youtube channel http://www.youtube.com/user/PilobolusDance

-Lara Porter

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One Response to Mixed Media

  1. esmaldone says:

    Pilobolus makes interesting statements as a “dance” troupe. Even in an “untitled” work, they often tell a story, but they also challenge the notion of the meaning of dance. Their “signature” derives from abstract formal shapes made from the bodies of dancers. They are like Mummenschanz without costumes. Here is a dance that puts their propensity for nudity into a psychological context:

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