The Controversy of Electronic Arts

When I read this article, two things occurred to me that I had never thought much about. First of all, I usually do not thing of video games as a form of artistic expression. Secondly, I never imagined a video game creating an international uproar.

The New York Times Article discusses a new video game, called Medal of Honor, that is set to be released on October 12th by one of the world’s biggest game publishers, known as Electronic Arts. The fact that this piece was placed in the Arts section of the New York Times is very intriguing. When I usually think of video games, I classify them in my head as a simple form of innocent child-play. However, a game like Medal of Honor is truly an accomplished work of art, whether you like it or not. The graphic art that went into creating the game is absolutely stunning. And just like any other style of art, this game evokes certain themes, emotions, and ideas that provoke thought. Hence, the name of the company – Electronic Arts.

In fact, this work of art is so stimulating that it has created a worldwide debate over not only what we should allow in video games, but also how we confront a contemporary worldwide political issue. The game is set in Afghanistan during Operation Anaconda, which took place soon after the 9/11 attacks. The controversy stems from the fact that “in Medal of Honor’s online multiplayer mode, in which teams of players battle over the Internet, one side in each match will be the Americans and the other side will play the role of Taliban fighters.”

Three countries across the globe – Canada, Britain, and New Zealand – see this as an outright disgrace. The writer of the article goes on to discuss both sides of the argument, and concludes with the following statement:

“The very concept that “their side” has soldiers (not thugs, criminals or terrorists, but soldiers) on an equal footing with “our” soldiers can be tough to swallow.

Is that fictional entertainment, or is that reality?”

That is for each of us to think about and decide for ourselves…

Click here to read article

Click here to watch the trailer for the game

– David Rand

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One Response to The Controversy of Electronic Arts

  1. esmaldone says:

    your links don’t work, and I don’t follow your argument.

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