
What makes something “Art”? defines art as “the quality, production, expression, or realm, according to aesthetic principles, of what is beautiful, appealing, or of more than ordinary significance.” Well now that that’s settled and clarified, let me ask you another question. What makes art “good” or “bad”? What is deemed beautiful or aesthetically pleasing to one person may not be viewed in a similar manner by another. Just because a piece doesn’t fit in the societal mold of “fine art” does not strip it of its artiness. I have recently come across an article which focuses on some interesting people who enjoy what has been classified as “Bad Art” or “Found Art”. These people focus on the “of more than ordinary importance” aspect of art. They enjoy art which strikes an emotional chord, whatever that chord may be. Whether it be in a picture of a mermaid/unicorn hugging Bigfoot, a couple of U.F.O.’s, or suicidal clowns. They value the “passion of the amateur” over the craft of the technician. They rummage through trash heaps, flea markets, yard sales, and sometimes eBay for these artistic”treasures.” They do however have a small list of criteria for what can be considered “Bad Art”. The most important of which is that it has to have been created seriously and honestly. Therefore if someone were to set out to make something hideous on purpose it would not fit the genre. There is even a “Museum of Bad Art” or the “MOBA” as it has come to be known. It’s cheap, it’s anonymous, it’s odd, and it’s clumsy, but no matter how oxymoronic it may seem these pieces of “bad art” are art nonetheless.
click this

the MOBA website click this…uh or not

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2 Responses to Art???

  1. esmaldone says:

    One man’s kitsch is another man’s trash is another man’s art.

  2. kroszko says:

    I don’t think there is such a thing as “bad art” even though there is a museum called The Museum of Bad Art. I think that art is used as a form of expression, and the artists who painted these pieces were obviously trying to express a message. Because of this, I don’t think these should be categorized as good or bad art. Instead, the observer should personally decide if they suit his or her taste.

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