To All You Nail Biters.

Here’s something that might make you want to stop.


I went to the Guggenheim’s exhibition, “Haunted: Contemporary Photography/Video/Performance”, a few months back and was immediately intrigued by the artwork. The exhibition, which features works by sixty artists, focuses not on supernatural beings, but rather on the “engaging themes of appropriation, documentation, history, the archive, nostalgia, trauma and the uncanny,” according to art critic, Walter Robinson.

That doesn’t mean it isn’t a bit scary. As I walked up the spiraling ramps of the Guggenheim, I was rather disturbed by some pieces, especially “Nail Biter” by artist Anthony Goicolea. I saw people entering and leaving a dark room with disgusted faces and that naturally, made me want to go in. Believe it or not, I think I was the only person who stayed long enough to see the whole thing during the time I was there.

If you like this video, you should also check out articles about the other pieces because unfortunately, the show closes today. Be aware, however, that some of the work is rather disturbing. There is an reoccurring theme of death that you will see throughout.

Here’s an article about the show.

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3 Responses to To All You Nail Biters.

  1. esmaldone says:

    I can accept the idea that art should be able to make you feel uncomfortable, but I guess I believe in limits of good taste. I found this disturbing in many ways.

  2. tfanizzi says:

    I agree with Professor Smaldone on this one. I could not watch the whole video–it was so disturbing! To each his own, I guess!

  3. I clicked on this because I do love to chew my nails.

    And I’ll probably continue that 16 year-habit despite the video. 😀

    But that was horribly frightening! I had actually just finished eating my breakfast, and I felt it coming back up. I closed the tab after the video was only halfway through. I think that while this is a very expressive piece of art, it’s definitely not recommended for the squeamish.

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