A Year in MP3s

Browsing through the New York Times online, I came across this article in the opinion section. The title immediately intrigued me and so I started reading. This article is written by R Luke Dubois, about himself. Throughout the year of 2009, yes every single day, he took time to himself to create and record some type of music electronically on his computer. His friend inspired him, reminding him of his creativity within which he had long since taken advantage of. Dubois then decided to take this big project upon himself.

Throughout the course of the year, Dubois realized what his music comfort zone was and he began expanding his horizons. He began experimenting with different genres and instead of this project remaining a daunting task, he enjoyed himself. He has posted online all 365 days of music for anyone to listen to. I think that this was a great accomplishment for him and I think it’s great that he took the time each day to channel his inner creativity and do this task.

Some of these MP3s sound eerie or are just interesting to listen to, so I suggest you go to this site and just randomly click on some 🙂
Here are a couple that I listened to that I liked:


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2 Responses to A Year in MP3s

  1. esmaldone says:

    Composers using computers and synthesizers is more and more common. This project by this composer indicates how far things have come in the ability to create in “sound” without resorting to pen and paper, or conventional instruments. Michael Gordon’s concert is in this vein, though he uses instruments of his own creation as a substitute for synthesizers (which are a substitute for “real” instruments!). We’ll also see and hear some conventional concerts, so it will be interesting to compare all of these things. You may have noticed that this link included a reference to Todd Reynolds, who will be a collaborating artist at Poisson Rouge on Sept. 27. We’re floating around in the cultural ether and bumping into the same artists from different angles!

  2. esmaldone says:

    By the way, I did post a link once before to the piece “Poeme Electronique” by Edgard Varese. I’d like to bring that up in class!


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