Friendlier Ballet Dancers

When I was a little girl, I wanted to be a ballet dancer. They were the symbol of grace, beauty, and a whole other world. Of course, my little dream of becoming a ballerina did not last once I discovered how completely uncoordinated I was, but the beauty of ballet never faded in my mind. They were still so graceful and mysterious in their usually completely silent performance. Now, things are changing. Ballet dancers are trained to keep as silently as possible on stage, even their stages are specially designed to keep noise to a minimum. So the idea of a ballerina talking to the audience and introducing the show is definitely something very new and untraditional. The New York City Ballet are introducing a new idea to the dance, and making the audience connect more with the dancers. People are naturally curious and having the performers be more approachable seems like an excellent way to expand the field of ballet.

To read the article click Here

And here’s the website of the New York City Ballet


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One Response to Friendlier Ballet Dancers

  1. esmaldone says:

    Sandra, all performing artists rely on the secret desires of audience members who wish they could be on the stage. There is nothing better than an audience of people who are sympathetic to the artists and feel a connection because of their appreciation of how difficult and challenging it is.

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