So, I’m assuming that by now everyone knows about the semi recent oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico. Kamol Akhunov is a striving artist who was inspired by this disaster. The critic who wrote about seeing Akhunov’s piece states “Black paint dripped from a white orb, which was suspended above a pile of once-white everyday household items. A milk carton and shoe, among other things, slowly turned black, as did the map of the world upon which they rested. An entanglement of pipes spread out from the dirtying action, and a quiet man sat on the floor beneath one of them, looking content and relaxed.” Akhunov’s work was definitely intended to make a statement. He wanted to show the public how damage can build quickly before our eyes. I think it’s great that he was able to show his concern for what we are doing to the planet through his artwork because it makes a statement, rather than just explaining to others how we are harming the earth.
If you want to see some pictures or read the article, here’s the link . I think its interesting so check it out 🙂
This is a highly artistic concept, and there is a clear impact from the piece, but I find the execution of the piece is a bit “lo-tech” or “high school Science Fair.”