Marcel Duchamp

I posted many blogs that had people questioning what art is or is not. My most recent one about the public toilet is another controversial piece that received an interesting response. Beth commented and asked ‘what is “artistic” about a toilet encased in glass?’ and “where is the creativity behind this?”. Her response reminded me of the work of another artist named Marcel Duchamp. His work is most commonly associated with the Surrealistic and Dadaist movements, which challenges the viewers perception of reality. His most famous piece, however, is one known as Fountain, which is basically a urinal. He submitted it to the Society of Independent Artist exhibition in 1917 and people rejected it from the show.

I think it’s interesting to see the reaction people have with the work. I personally believe that the urinal is not art. However, the idea to challenge people’s view is actually pretty artistic in itself. Here’s a picture of Fountain:

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