Art For Lunch

Sometimes when I go to restaurants the food almost looks too pretty to eat. Since many, many of our posts on this blog is about what is art, I thought we should include food into that category! There are many reasons why our food sometimes look like it belongs in some type of museum, if it doesn’t look good, would anyone really want to eat it? The presentation of the food is a very important part of our meals, but I find something pretty interesting that give me a whole new meaning of food as art.

Bento, is the japanese word for lunchbox. They serve them at various Japanese restaurants around the city, so I’m guessing that quite a few of you have eaten a bento before. But I bet, you’ve never eaten one like this:

These bento food art comes in many different forms, not only a kitty but also the Mona Lisa, a Starbucks coffee cup, the Simpsons, and a few others. I’m not exactly sure why they make their lunch to look like a cat, but it sure is cute. It may not be a painting or a sculpture, but I definitely think this is art. It looks good and it feeds you!

If you want to see a few more of these Bento art, click here

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3 Responses to Art For Lunch

  1. nzeblisky says:

    That’s awesome! Just seeing that makes me want to go eat there. I clicked on the link and looked at the others and showed my mom who’s here with me because I think it looks so cool. It kind of reminds me of that show Cake Boss because he makes so many different types of figures out of foods for his cakes.

  2. esmaldone says:

    Very impressive, but it does not look particularly appetizing! In particular, I have a bit of a problem with decisions that have to be made on the basis of the visual aspect, rather than the taste.

  3. Corina Yee says:

    That looks really cool and I agree sometimes I don’t want to eat something looking like that because I do not want to ruin the image. I have always been impressed with chefs having the ability to make food look so visibly attractive, which has somewhat influenced my interest in the culinary arts. Maybe that is why they call it culinary \arts\ in the first place.

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