Big Bambu

I went and visited Big Bambu last month, and was actually amazed with what I saw!  Honestly, I did not think that I would enjoy it as much as I did.  The sculpture was much bigger than I imagined, and I can’t even describe how cool it was to walk underneath and through it.  There was actually a lot of space underneath to walk, but there was one really cool area that I kept returning to.  Right in the middle, there was one sort of circle area, and if you looked straight up, there was a big opening in the bamboo, allowing you to see straight through to the sky.  It was absolutely breath-taking!  There were so many people there!  As I was waiting on line for the elevator to the roof, I stood in front of a few mothers who were taking their little children to see Big Bambu.  I overheard them telling their kids that they were going to be seeing lots of bamboo, and the kids were excited about it because they had apparently been learning all about it in school.  I never knew it was so popular!

I took a bunch of pictures, but only included 2 in this post.  The one on the left is the best photo I could get of the whole artwork.  I wonder how many pieces of bamboo this consists of!  And the photo on the right shows the rope used to tie all the bamboo together.  I found it so amazing that these colorful ropes were the only things holding the sculpture together!  I really don’t know if I would have the patience to build this.  All in all, I was really glad to have gone to see Big Bambu.  It opened my eyes to something totally new and unique.  I can’t imagine the sadness the artists will feel when they have to take the sculpture down!

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3 Responses to Big Bambu

  1. esmaldone says:

    Awesome piece. Glad you made the effort to see it \in person.\ And the pictures are a nice contrast between the \big\ picture and a small detail.

  2. Susan Xu says:

    I went to see the show a while back and I had the same reaction. While I was there, I saw people actually working on the piece. They were inserting more stocks of bamboo. To do this, they have to climb the sculpture so it was like a rock-climbing wall. It was really interesting and exciting to watch, especially since the bamboo structure would occasionally shake, but never break. I was a little disappointed that I couldn’t actually go on the tour. I didn’t know before-hand that you have to get tickets. However, the experience was exciting none-the-less. I also loved examining the patterns formed by the bamboo. It was so beautiful.

  3. Corina Yee says:

    It is amazing that such a piece was created and an idea such as this was even thought of! I saw it about a month ago and was stunned and still am. I plan on going again before they close it down to see the final completion of the structure because they have been adding to it non-stop. I can not wait to see the final result.

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