Greg Antonelli – A Rolling Stone Gathers No Moss (Just Millions of Fans and Dollars)

A new book entitled “Life” is to be released soon. This biography is the chronicling of the life of one of the world’s most famous musicians. Keith Richards, the guitar player for The Rolling Stones, who in 66 years has had an exciting life and has amassed a list of personal stories that someone couldn’t make up. Between the drugs, the women, the music, the fame, the money, etc., Keith Richards personifies the stereotypical rock and roll rebel. This book also goes deep into the personal life and thoughts of Richards. He talks about his childhood and his friendship with Stone’s front man Mick Jagger. A lot of focus is placed on Richard’s addiction to heroin and Richards tells stories of his life as a junky. Another important part of the biography is the discussion of some of the most famous Rolling Stones songs and how they came about. This book is sure to be full of exciting stories, first person accounts of famous events in rock and roll, and important perspective on, arguably, the most famous band in rock history.

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One Response to Greg Antonelli – A Rolling Stone Gathers No Moss (Just Millions of Fans and Dollars)

  1. esmaldone says:

    Richards is probably the most talented of the musicians of the Rolling Stones. There is a kind of purity to that band that distilled the essence of Rock n’ Roll ;in a way that the Beatles did not. The Beatles were, in my opinion, far more talented as song writers, musicians, singers, arrangers, etc. etc, but you cannot deny the unmistakable power of quite a bit of what the Stones have done over the years. They are the quintessential positive example of a band that kept re-defining itself to follow and pave new stylistic pathways, all the while maintaining their own musical integrity and “sound.” Not an easy feat.

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