Big Bambu Break Up

One of the first expressions of art that I can remember this class talking about and bonding over was the Starn brothers’ colossal wonder, “Big Bambu(i don’t know how to do the fancy “u”). Just as the end of our amazing artistic journey is drawing near, the dismantling of this incredible creation is commencing. It is sad that this revolutionary and innovative piece is being taking apart, but the Starn brothers can take solace in its many achievements. “Big Bambu” was a tremendous hit for the duration of its exhibition. An astounding 600,000 people visited it(more than the predicted 400,00) and it was the giant jungle gym for multitudes including; Mayor Michael R. Bloomberg,Lou Reed, Bono, and Paul Mccartney. Although the exhibit has run its course, the Starn brothers intend to create a separate exhibit from photographs and relics of their masterpiece. The creativity and ingenuity of “Big Bambu” will live on in the memory of those who visited and it will be immortalized in this upcoming exhibit. Just like “Big Bambu” I think that our class and the experiences we’ve shared will stick with us for the rest of our lives. The knowledge and culture that we’ve gained will be used to help make us well-rounded people. Maybe we can all go to that future exhibit together as a little reunion, and I don’t know….write a one page report on it or something….

click here for NY Times article

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One Response to Big Bambu Break Up

  1. esmaldone says:

    This was a real NY “Happening” of the first degree.

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