Star Wars: Return of the Toon?

Now that 3-D is the new special effect, used in everything from crazy sci-fi films live “Avatar” to the amazingly cheesy dance flick “Step Up”, George Lucas has caught on to the trend. He has announced his plans to release the first Star Wars movie in 3D in 2012.

Well, not everyone is pleased about this. Well Eric Power made the awesome video below which is almost a revolt against the 3-d treatment. He made his own version of the trilogy using paper animation.

I always find it ironic to see videos that are “old-school” on youtube which seems to me as overused symbol of our technologically advanced age. Another example of this is Coraline, a movie by Tim Burton entirely using stop-motion clay-animation but is also in 3-D. To me, this mix is the definition of our time; taking influence from the old and incorporating it with the new.

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One Response to Star Wars: Return of the Toon?

  1. esmaldone says:

    Charming. Now I can cancel my order for the boxed set of the six Star Wars movies. I thought it was quite nice to have the acoustic music with the quaint cut-out animation. Nicely done.

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