The City is your Stage

If you like stretching your limits and extending your boundaries, you might like “The Ride.” “The Ride” takes everything conventional about the experience of theater and revolutionizes it. Who says you need to be inside a theater to enjoy Theater? On “The Ride,” instead of your seat being in a theater, your seat is on a bus. And instead of the actors performing on stage, the actors are on the street and the bus. It combines the experience of taking a tour of New York, watching a stage show, and so much more.

This is definitely not your ordinary tour bus. While it takes a route through Manhattan very similar to an ordinary tour bus, the bus itself and all of its amenities are much cooler. First of all, it has 40 video screens, 850 Watts of sounds, the seats move underneath it, and it has a command center similar to an IMAX theater. If that’s not enough for you, one side of the bus is a huge window that let’s you have a view of the city like no other, and let’s outsiders see the riders as they go by.

It’s also definitely not your ordinary show. On “The Ride,” you will be entertained by music, video, actors on the bus, and actors on the street. The bus is so thrilling that not only will you literally become part of the show, but regular New Yorkers walking by join in on the action too. It’s the show of all shows. The riders watch the actors and the pedestrians, the pedestrians watch the actors and the riders, and both the riders and pedestrians become actors themselves. When it’s not obvious who the audience is and who the subjects of the show are, you know it’s something special.

“The Ride” also attempts to teach riders interesting facts about the people, the customs, and the history of New York City. For example, some “fun facts” that riders learn about are that “the grime cleaned off the ceiling of Grand Central Terminal in 1998 was a thick layer of tar and nicotine. The Chrysler Building’s spire was secretly prepared and mounted so the result could surprise rivals as the world’s tallest building — but then it was trumped by the Empire State Building.” Overall, this must be a uniquely riveting experience for all riders, especially tourists. One negative aspect of it is that tourists will learn about a very stereotypical perspective of New York. The show kind of feeds into the Hollywood depiction of what New York is, and not necessarily the reality of the City. Regardless, it is definitely an entertaining ride for all.

Read The New York Times Article

Check out “The Ride” website and watch a video about it

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2 Responses to The City is your Stage

  1. ToniAnn Fanizzi says:

    This sounds so cool! I would love to experience The Ride someday. I really liked how you said “When it’s not obvious who the audience is and who the subjects of the show are, you know it’s something special.” How often is there such an experience as this? This is certainly a very creative idea, and one that will hopefully inspire other productions like it.

  2. esmaldone says:

    The city is a glorious stage. You just have to open your eyes (and try not to look like a tourist!)

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