I Feel like a Jackass!

Finally, after many failed attempts I was able to see the movie I have been itching to view. No I don’t mean the “Social Network”(although I did see that as well and it was great), I am talking about the amusing although horrific third installment in the “Jackass” franchise. “Jackass 3D”, as the name suggests is more than simply the buffoonery and stupidity that you may be used to in two dimensions. I am sure you are all familiar with the “Jackass” boys and their handiwork but on the off chance that you are not, I’ll post some links so that you all can enjoy. I don’t know what it is about the stunts and absurdity that these guys partake in but i can’t look away. I like to think I have more of a sophisticated sense of humor than this, one that is tremendously dry and sarcastic. It is generally hard for something or someone to make me laugh out loud, but when watching “Jackass” I can’t control myself. These skits(if you can even call them that) make me howl in laughter and at times are so disturbing that I feel like I am going to vomit. So I must wonder,why on earth do I enjoy watching grown men hit one another with various projectiles, get gored by live animals, and constantly put themselves in serious danger? why do I yell “oh no!” or “oh my G-d!” every 5 seconds but somehow cannot look away. These men are a self inflicted train wreck and I love every minute of it.  I guess in a sick and twisted way there is something alluring about seeing other people do stupid and dangerous things, even if it’s done for a cheap laugh. I don’t know if I’ll ever understand it but I don’t know if i really care. After a tough week of school seeing this movie was a great kick off to a desperately needed weekend. Thankfully I am not alone in receiving immense enjoyment from the shenanigans of these..well…Jackasses, but if you are more cultured and sophisticated than I am(which I’m almost positive is true) and find these guys moronic that’s fine I just ask one thing from you.

please..please..please….don’t judge me.

The trailer for Jackass 3D

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One Response to I Feel like a Jackass!

  1. esmaldone says:

    I won’t judge you, and silly humor is fine as a personal pastime, but this would make a more interesting post if you showed some perspective by commenting on the general state of “arts awareness” that the popularity of this kind of thing demonstrates. People (especially young people) tend to be most attracted to loud, slapstick, comedy, and music. Maybe this is a good reason for us to take special note of the quite artistry of the Assad Brothers classical guitar concert next week. Now that I think of it, thanks for this post. You just provided me with the lesson plan for why we NEED to hear that concert!

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