Sinfully Good Theater

One of my absolute favorite books is making its debut on NYC’s stage: C.S. Lewis’s The Screwtape Letters has recently been adapted into a blockbuster theater production, and will be running at the Westside Theatre through January 9th.

In this wickedly (my sincerest apologies for the pun) hilarious play about spiritual warfare from a demon’s perspective, actor Max McLean takes on the role of “His Abysmal Sublimity” Screwtape, whose job it is to oversee the entrapment of human souls down the “soft, gentle path to Hell.” Costarring is Screwtape’s bumbling assistant Toadpipe, (played alternately by both Beckley Andrews & Tamala Bakkensen) a demon capable of molding herself into the various vices and temptations Screwtape requires to lure his “patients” away from the “Enemy above.”

I couldn’t possibly be looking forward to seeing this more, and I hope you all check it out.

For more info, visit the official site HERE.

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