The New Queen of Texture

I spent a solid 10 minutes staring at the desktop background image of the guy sitting next to me on the train before I finally decided that I absolutely had to know what it was. The picture was, after all, absolutely fascinating: an abstract shape of earthy colors, alternating between sweetly delicate and grotesquely anatomical. Turns out it was a painting by a female British artist who goes by the handle of GL Brierley, who recently had her first solo show (called Matersatz) in a London gallery last month.

To me, the most interesting thing about Brierley’s paintings is the definite sense of solidness and texture she manages to give to each “object.” Despite their complete abstraction, her subjects always retain the aura of something very physical. I love the luminous waxy feel of her paintings, and her habit of working on wood somehow makes her complex objects seem all the more plausible. I hope you guys find her art as interesting as I do! Click HERE for more info.

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