
In The Invisible Dog Art Center in Brooklyn, Richard Garet’s “Electrochroma” will be presented from September 25 to November 28 of this year.  “Electrochroma” is an audiovisual creation that combines electronic sound and moving kinetic and abstract images.  In creating this show, which lasts 52 minutes, Garet was experimenting with sound and image, trying to discern the relationship between the two.  Garet is also trying to create a certain digital environment and see how the audience reacts to the sounds and images.  This reflects Garet’s interests in human reactions to natural and artificial environments.  In the minute excerpt, the show seems to be a little seizure-inducing.  The Village Voice review thought that the show would drive the audience towards delirium.  “Electrochroma” starts off with quiet pulsing beats.  It eventually gains momentum, and the magnitude of the noise can reach high levels of intensity.  The excerpt is from one of the quieter, slower parts, but you can kind of get the idea of the show.  Personally, I would be interested, but a little apprehensive to go see it.

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One Response to Electrochroma

  1. esmaldone says:

    This makes me dizzy. Is that good?

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