Brain Washing With Music

Everyone watches television, even if it’s just a little bit. While watching our favorite shows, it is inevitable that we see some commercials. Whether it is Macy’s, McDonald’s, ASPCA, or whatever, there are hundreds and hundreds of different commercials. Sometimes, whether we want it to or not, the jingles get stuck in our head. Commercials are very much like brain washing, it’s sounds a bit insane and paranoid, but really just think about it. One of the most popular jingles that people know: “Want a Fanta? Don’t you want a, want a Fanta?” You probably all know what I’m talking about (unless you really don’t want any TV). There so many more jingles that we sometimes can’t get out of our head. Here’s a few of the catchiest and at times annoying jingles:

Subway’s Five Dollar Foot Long Song:

McDonald’s Gimme that Filet-O-Fish Song:

Meow Mix’s Meow Meow Meow Song:

We’ve talked about the power of music a lot in this blog, so let’s not forget how it can brain wash us when it’s catchy. I may have missed or forgot some of the most annoying commercials ever, so if you have one that you would like to mention, feel free.

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One Response to Brain Washing With Music

  1. esmaldone says:

    Catchy and memorable is good, especially in commercial music. Concert music composers tend to shy away from such obvious choices, choosing instead to demonstrate technique and craft. The TV commercial jingle is to music what the advertising slogan is to poetry.

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