Eyes in the Back of His Head

Okay, so they’re not eyes exactly, but it’s basically as close as you can get.

NYU photography professor Wafaa Bilal has installed a camera in the back of his head. This camera has been programmed to take a picture every minute. Each image will automatically be streamed to a computer database and will be organized into an art project entitled “The 3rd I” to open in Qatar on December 30th.

Don’t believe me? Check out the New York Times article about it here.

I am personally fascinated by this undertaking. I personally would not want a camera fastened to the back of my head, even in the name of art, but I am extremely curious as to what is to become of this professor and his proposed project.

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2 Responses to Eyes in the Back of His Head

  1. Sandra Lau says:

    That is creepy, but kind of cool. I agree with you that I would not want a camera fastened to the back of my head, that would just be too weird. This is fascinating, and it makes me wonder why this professor decided to start this project in the first place. The photographs seem like it would be interesting to see, but I imagine there wouldn’t be that many interesting things going on behind this man every minute.

  2. Ooh, I read about this while browsing the New York Times. I myself have always dreamed about just being able to blink and take a picture, but this is something else. I really wonder what it was that inspired him to start this up. While there may be many undiscovered or unspoken reasons behind the art, it will be interesting to see what’s going behind one man’s head at the rate of 1 pic/min.

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