We all know about famous places to go see different arts performed in the city, such as the Met, Broadway, and Lincoln Center, but a lot of people don’t know about the various lower scale places to go in the city. Places like the Poisson Rouge are not as well known but can still provide us with great talent and entertainment. A new place I have just discovered is the Baryshnikov Arts Center.
The Baryshnikov Arts Center was established in 2005, mainly as a place to house the Baryshnikov Dance Foundation events. Since then, the center has broadened its horizons and now hosts music concerts, film screening, jazz concerts, arts festivals, theater and dance performances, visual art exhibitions, and workshops for the public. Everything at the Baryshnikov Arts Center is little to no cost for the public. Up to date, over 500 artists work has been displayed there.
Some upcoming events at the Baryshnikov Arts Center include, the St Lawrence String Quartet on November 29th, the Ensemble Organum on December 8th, and Azure Barton & Artists Busk on December 17-19th. If anyone is interested in these events or seeing what else the Baryshnikov Arts Center has to offer, here is the link
I think that if Professor Smaldone gives us the okay, we can arrange a small outing to this art center. I was going to suggest seeing the String Quartet, because string quartets always sound so peaceful and well-composed without putting the listener to sleep, but apparently that is being held today, so it’s too late to plan a trip to see that. Busk seems pretty interesting, but something about the description makes me think of our least favorite dance from Fall for Dance. As talented as I’m sure the performers are, I wouldn’t be able to sit through it.