Jeremy Penn

As I am now beginning to appreciate artwork more than I used to, I decided to look up artists in New York City for my next blog and the first one I stumbled upon really intrigued me. I’m not really sure what his artwork genre would be classified as, but Jeremy Penn has a lot of pieces on his site that I really liked. It is said that his lust for understanding the mind’s interpretations have been inspiration for his recent work and that he is known for “his use of color, materials, and familiar faces in order to elicit an emotional response”. I can definitely agree with that statement. Before I read the about section on his site, I was thinking to myself that you can really see the emotion he put into some of his paintings.

Penn has had his work exhibited internationally and in particular, in NYC, in the Museum of Modern Art and the Metropolitan Museum of Art. In 2009 he was the “Featured Artist” for New York’s first Freedom Week, and in 2010, he was awarded the ADEX Gold Medal, the ASFD’s Pinnacle Award, and the Peace Maker Award for his painting “War Child”, which I’ll post below. If anyone is interested in learning more, here is his site.

War Child

^ Some of the variety of Penn’s work
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