Greg Antonelli – Figment

Coming up soon a new website called will be unveiled by Jacob Lewis and Dana Goodyear, a staff writer from “The New Yorker”. Figment is like a super blog where young writers can post extended written works such as novels, poems, etc. The website focuses on getting works of fiction written by young writers out there for others to read and draw ideas from. Figment is based on the trend of writing novels on cellphones (aptly named cellphone-novels) that Goodyear witnessed in Japan. Goodyear and Lewis are attempting to Americanize this idea with The creators hope to learn about trends in teenage literature and help young writers get recognized by notable publishers. Figment also allows publishing companies to advertise new works (for a small fee). I feel that this site can develop into a great hub of literary ideas if it is maintained. If people are allowed to ramble and the site goes un-monitored, I fear it will join the ranks of all the stupid blogs on the internet these days.

Check out Figment.Com.

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2 Responses to Greg Antonelli – Figment

  1. I found this and saved a post about it and I just posted it haha. Oh well, looks like you beat me to it. I really like figment so I guess thats why I posted about it too. In middle and high school and still today I write short stories and novels and I found no way to get them published other than my school’s literary magazine (which no one looked at anyway). You might see some Samantha Nathanson works on figment quite soon…

  2. esmaldone says:

    I have been reading some of these blogs out of order, so I actually read Samantha’s post before this one. As I said there, the internet has a number of places that musicians can post music for sale (or to just give away). It is not surprising that similar sites have popped up for writers. This is a good way to let people know what you are doing without carrying copies of your stories around with you (or spending money at the post office!).

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