Greg Antonelli – More Muppet Maddness

Muppets seem to be a popular way to express your ideas. I blogged earlier in the semester about the popularity of “Avenue Q” an award winning Broadway Musical that has friendly looking puppets in very adult situations. The newest muppet show to hit the theatre world is “Baby Universe: A Puppet Odyssey”. This show is a sci-fi piece about the last humans on earth trying to move to a new universe that is untouched by pollution. The show is meant to make a point about all the problems plaguing our planet. The planets are the characters themselves and the humans are also heard constantly making radio broadcasts into space. The show centers around the infant universe as it “grows up” like a regular child. Baby Universe recently premiered at Baruch College. It was written by Kirjan Waage and Gwendolyn Warnock and is being put on by the Wacka Wacka theatre collective. It seems like a very interesting sci-fi story with a clear message about the state of our planet. I would definitely be interested in seeing this.

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One Response to Greg Antonelli – More Muppet Maddness

  1. esmaldone says:

    These are not muppets, but they are puppets. The tradition of puppeteers on stage with the puppets extends to the Japanese puppet theater. If you are interested in this, you should explore the Japanese tradition:

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