Artistic ways to say four words

There are four words that some people wait their entire life to hear, and quite, some people’s lives depended on it. These words can’t just come from anyone or be insincere, it has to be something from your heart to be truly special and meaningful. Those four words are “Will you marry me?”. Some people come up with the most creative ways to say these words, and a lot of them use art.

Check out this video to see a man’s proposal to his girlfriend with the use of a video game! It’s truly sweet and adorable. Another example relates to a topic that we’ve talked about a lot, graffiti.

Art can do amazing things, helping people cope with their conditions or inspire love. Is there anything more powerful in the world?

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One Response to Artistic ways to say four words

  1. esmaldone says:

    Very cute with the check box at the end (“yes” or “no”). I was impressed with the technique of the artist. Creating a painting like this with an air brush is one thing, but a spray can?

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