Danielle de Niese’s story (because 90% of the class didn’t get to go backstage)

I was stalking Danielle de Niese’s Facebook, trying to find some interesting news on her. Her story was so amazing and inspiring, and I was so thankful for the opportunity to meet her. Then I realized that Greg and I were the only ones to get to go backstage and meet her. So instead of giving any great news about something she’s doing now, I decided to give a brief overview of her road to success.

This article which is her first person account of her life, does a great job of summing up her life in ten minutes. I’ll try to do this in less then ten minutes…

Danielle had the musical ambition at a very young age. Around the ages of 8 and 9, she entered and won many competitions. Singing a Whitney Houston melody, she was the youngest winner ever of “Young Talent Time,” an Australian TV show. Her talent was evident even when she was in diapers. Since the age of 1 and 2, she was able to sing in tune with her own mother pretty well. When she was six, her parents had enrolled her in a song and dance class. Unfortunately, they had enrolled her in mid- October, which meant that it was too late for her to participate in the Christmas concert that everyone else had been rehearsing for since January. However, her parents received a phone call a few weeks later, and received the news that de Niese WOULD be in the Christmas concert, since she miraculously learned the ENTIRE complicated dance routine and song.

Her luck, perseverance, and success helped her perform at the Metropolitan Opera, making her debut there at the age of NINETEEN (a remarkably young age for an opera singer; when we were backstage, she noted that everyone else was about 30) as Barbarina in Le Nozze de Figaro. She mentioned how mature she had to act, being so young amongst all these adults. She stressed the importance of showing everyone that she DID deserve this opportunity.

What I loved about de Niese was her optimism, her discipline, and her ability to have such a young, free spirit while still being so professional and mature. She was naturally gifted, and therefore knew that she wanted to be an opera singer very early on in life. She encourages all to pursue something that they love and want to do, expressing the glorious feelings one has when they’re making their living doing something that they want to do.

Down to earth, determined, and talented, that’s a quick summary of Danielle de Niese’s story. I can’t describe how much I loved listening to her story, it was honestly inspiring.

Danielle as her Cosi Fan Tutte character, Despina the maid!

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2 Responses to Danielle de Niese’s story (because 90% of the class didn’t get to go backstage)

  1. esmaldone says:

    Natural gifts, incredible talent and undaunted hard work are a powerful combination. Nice post.

  2. nzeblisky says:

    Thanks for sharing all that with us Praveena 🙂 Despina was my favorite in the opera. I liked reading that background info about her. I’m sure she has a bright future ahead of her.

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