Nick Veasey

“We live in a world obsessed with image. What we look like, what out clothes look like, houses, cars…” This is a statement made by artist Nick Veasey. He is x-ray photographer whose main goal is highlight inner beauty. He believes x-rays strips away the obsession with superficial appearances.

To create his photos, he constructed a building that looks like a black box. He creates most of his work there in order to contain the radiation. Inside the box, there are several different x-ray machines and a film processor. The items that are to be x-rayed are placed on a lead floor or wall and film is placed under or behind it. The x-rays that pass through the subject is what makes that image on the film.

He also uses x-rays to mock the gadgets used in airports and security. Nowadays, we can’t go anywhere without being surveillanced. His work therefore, is a comment about that.

Here are some of his photos:

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One Response to Nick Veasey

  1. esmaldone says:

    Cool. These pictures provide an interesting look into the relationship of structure and surface. This is a metaphor that can be applied to EVERY genre and EVERY art form! something to think about.

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