
An article in today’s paper talks about the re-release of a film about the Nazi Holocaust called “Shoah.” The article makes specific references to the movies “Life is Beautiful” and “Schindler’s List” two other highly acclaimed films on the same subject. How do the intentions of each film intersect with our current (i.e. Final Exam Essay) discussion of high art vs. low art and the relationship of the art to the audience? click here to read the article:.

Here are two clips from the film. this is not light stuff.

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One Response to Shoah

  1. esmaldone says:

    This is an important film. Sorry I did not post a comment earlier, but I did see your post. quite a range of images from the semester (this post of Shoah comes on the heels of Katy Peri’s “California Gurls.” Oi.)

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