Afghanistan in Theater and Art

As I’ve alluded to before, I often read the Queens College emails sent out about upcoming events. Those of you who also read about upcoming events at Queens are probably familiar with the travelling mural exhibit at the Godwin-Ternbech Museum. I personally love the title- Windows and Mirrors: Reflections on the War in Afghanistan. Here’s a link to the beautiful slideshow of artwork: Slideshow I thought of this exhibit as I read about “The Great Game: Afghanistan”, a play by the Tricycle Theater that offers an indepth look at the country we’re at war with. How we use art to  understand the world around us continues to fascinate me.

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One Response to Afghanistan in Theater and Art

  1. esmaldone says:

    From what I have read, the best way to deal with war is to de-personalize the enemy. It is much harder to kill a person if you acknowledge them as an individual and fellow human being. Too bad we can’t just learn about and celebrate the differences and distinctions that make us one human race. The artwork is beautiful and its message is so clear, but it is very sad.

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