Another Prize Winner

Following ToniAnn’s post about artists winning prizes, Cinthia Marcelle, a Brazilian artist, won the $100,000 First Generation Art Prize.  This award is giving out twice a year, and was founded in 2006 by a Ukranian art billionaire and art collector, Victor Pinchuk.  Only those 35 or younger may apply, and Marcelle was 35 years old when she applied, but she is 36 now.   This prize attracted over 6000 applicants from 125 countries, and the panel of judges include the dean of the Yale University School of Art, the director of the Stadelschule Art Academy in Frankfurt, and the Chinese artist Ai Weiwei.  This award is really interesting, because to make sure that the $100,000 isn’t wasted, $40,000 of it must go into art production.  These keeps the artist producing more works. Here is the link to the NYTimes article.

Marcelle’s work included three films on a loop, where the repetition of motions seem mundane and pointless until it all comes together to form geometric shapes.  Then you start to see that the art is actually reflecting economic, political, and social behavior in modern society.You can see her videos on the Pinchuk website here, just click on the thumbnails shown. This website also talks more about Marcelle’s art.

Here is one of the videos that are shown.

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One Response to Another Prize Winner

  1. esmaldone says:

    Not sure how this includes commentary that is political or economic (unless wasting water -which costs money- using a piece of municipal equipment is the point…– or maybe that is just a metaphor for society going around incircles pouring out resources for no particular reason?) I find myself curious and interested in these ideas, but still personally more attracted to traditional means of artistic expression. Interesting to see this, however. Good post.

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