My Snapshot 2010 Experience

Although it was raining frogs yesterday, I braved the weather to attend Snapshot 2010, the last official event of Seminar 1. All of our photos were curated in the Macaulay Cabaret under the theme, “Crossroads,” for many similarities were present. I commend the volunteer curators for assembling a beautiful display; the model buildings that also held some photographs was a nice touch for the New York theme. However, the real fun proved to be “re-curating” the exhibit. With our Vado video cameras, my group shot footage of the exhibit to show how we would organize it via video. The result is “Day and Night,” which uses the photographs to show a day in the life of a New Yorker, from dawn to dusk. We felt that all of the student’s submissions provided a chronological sequence in addition to displaying the similarities in content. However, I did not find their way of sorting the photographs to be impressive. Grouping similarly themed pictures together helps show the differences in approaching the theme, but that method seemed too conventional and easy to put together. Anyone can dedicate a section to portraits. I’ll be looking forward to seeing contrasts next year.

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One Response to My Snapshot 2010 Experience

  1. esmaldone says:

    Excellent post Clarissa! The choices of photos you highlighted showed a lot of diversity, without trying to show every one (which would have been impossible.) In this situation and in so many others, it is necessary to edit, edit, edit! The group did a very god job.

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