“Plátano Pride”

In one of her previous posts, Sandra blogged about wearable art.  In this case, instead of scarves and handbags, we have jewelry.  In the Museum of Arts and Design, they are showing an exhibit called “Think Again: New Latin American Jewelry”.  This exhibit shows accessories as art made by artists who use influences from their culture and surroundings.  For example, “Plátano Pride” a big gold plátano necklace created by the artist Miguel Luciano.  He states that this piece reflects the transition from a “production-based society to one that is grounded in consumption” (Puerto Rico and the United States).  Notice how the plátano, which is grown in Puerto Rico, is made into bling jewelry, something that reflects American culture.  In another example, Elisa Gulminelli made a flower brooch with currency and a coin, giving it the self-explanatory title of  “Inflation”.  I feel like these accessories are very innovative.  It is a creative way to make a statement rather than just wearing a t-shirt with a slogan.  The exhibit runs through January 9, 2011.
link to article
link to museum

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