Alyssa Blumenthal

Every morning I wake up to singing from just one wall over. No alarm clock needed when I have music floating through my dorm. Yes, that melodic voice comes from none other than Alyssa Blumenthal. When I hear that singing I just know that my day will be provided with a cultural whirlwind of music.

Let’s start from the beginning. I met this artist this past summer at a magical palace of learning called Usdan. This experience has changed me. I have learned so much. Seriously, I had no idea what a euphonium was before I saw the instrument sitting upon her lap. I was just like, “Dude, what the heck is that tuba thing?” and then she told me. Man, that was something. There was even a question on cash cab and the answer was euphonium! Ever since then I have witnessed her carrying this immense instrument to and from classes and lessons and all the amazing places she goes with it. And woah, can she play the thing. I hear only good things from all the prestigious music critics who have praised her superior skills. Seriously. It’s legit.

When I heard that Alyssa Blumenthal sang at Carnegie Hall, the high esteem I hold her in became cemented in my mind. I do not jest when I tell you that the Queen of England herself came to see Alyssa Blumenthal’s performance. I know it. The Queen stood up at the end and shouted her name. Soon the entire audience was in a standing ovation for Alyssa Blumenthal. Yeah.

So, Arts in NYC class, I end with this. Whenever you’re feeling blue, I want you to just picture something for me. Picture Alyssa Blumenthal. Picture her singing you awake in the morning. Picture the melodies coming from her euphonium. Picture her standing ovation at Carnegie Hall. Then, maybe then, your life too will be complete.

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2 Responses to Alyssa Blumenthal

  1. Wow, I never knew Alyssa was so cool! We should have her perform for us in class for us someday. Though I’m sure our presence is insignificant compared to the Queen of England. 😉 Maybe then my life can be complete after listening to her talent.

  2. esmaldone says:

    I am enormously impressed with anyone who can play a brass instrument. They are nearly impossible to make a sound on, let alone play with really tone and expression. I look forward to hearing Alyssa play more. There is a strong connection between singing and playing a brass instrument, since you must “hear” the note you want to play, before you can play it correctly.

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