Tutorial on Uploading Video

Here are instructions on how to embed a video into the blog.

If this is a video you made, first upload it to the class youtube account. Remember> username: artinnyc2010@gmail.com, with password: smaldone.

Click on Share, and select the Youtube option and then follow the instructions to directly upload


Click on Share, and then Export, which will then allow you to save the file on your hard drive. If you go this route, you can then select the file via the browser when you are on youtube. Click on “Upload” on the upper-right side of the page, and follow the instructions.

Once the video is uploaded, OR if it is an existing YouTube video that you want to share with the class, play it. In the box on the right side of the page, you’ll see an Embed code, under the URL. Copy this embed code.

Log in to the blog, and create a New Post. Click on the HTML tab, on the upper right side of the post window screen. Paste the embed code. This will now show up as just video, so if you want a title or any other information to appear with your film, type that in before/after the embed code.

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