Thanksgiving Parade

Every year on Thanksgiving Day, the Macy’s Thanksgiving Parade takes place. This year will be the 84th Macy’s Thanksgiving Day Parade! The tradition started in 1920s, and this is the second oldest Thanksgiving Parade in the United States. Millions watch this event either on their television or in the streets of New York City, it’s a day that many look forward to all year long. The balloons are always colorful and fun, and it’s just an exciting thing to witness. In the past, there has been balloons of Scooby Doo, Mickey Mouse, Mr. Potato Head, Spider Man, and many, many more.

The parade is packed with entertainment, each year cast members from Broadway shows perform in the parade. This year will be the cast of American Idiot, Memphis, Elf, and, Million Dollar Quartet. A lot of effort is put into this parade to make it so spectacular! There are so many art forms involved, such as music, dance, and of course the parade balloons themselves.

I’m sure this year will be another amazing parade and I can’t wait to see the show!

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One Response to Thanksgiving Parade

  1. esmaldone says:

    OK, I’m glad this happens, but it is decidedly low-brow entertainment. The parade makes the Radio City Music Hall Christmas Show look like a Chekov retrospective by comparison.

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