Cosi Fan Tutte

I absolutely loved the performance of Cosi Fan Tutte that we saw at the Metropolitan Opera this past week. I thought that the performers all had such talent and grace on stage, so natural that you almost forgot that they were characters performing for such a large audience. Throughout the opera, I formed my own opinions about whose voices I enjoyed hearing the most (although I clearly thoroughly loved all of them!). That is why I was curious to see what the reviewer of the New York Times had to say.

From the very beginning of the show, since there are two men and two women singing it is hard not to compare their voices. I felt that the women’s voices were both so beautiful, each with a distinct quality. Nonetheless, felt that the blonde woman named Miah Persson, playing Fiordiligi, was especially talented. Her voice had a certain depth and sweeter, more open sound than the voice of the mezzo-soprano, played by Isabel Leonard. The critic of the NY Times swayed toward Leonard in his review, saying that she sang with “vocal clarity and warmth” while saying that Persson “lack[ed] the sheer sensual beauty of some lyric sopranos.” I thought this was interesting and can compare it to my for a new violin; I tried out so many which each had definitive and very beautiful qualities like these two sopranos, but ultimately had to choose which was the best blend of assets for me as a violinist.

In terms of the male voices, I was especially taken by that of Pavol Breslik (playing Ferrando), whose voice had a brilliant tone. This may be in part due to the fact that he sang the part of a tenor, which is higher than the baritone whose part I had to keep my ear out for in the quintet at the beginning.

What did you think?

Check out the review here and watch a video of my favorite trio from the opera, Soave sia il vento being sung by Miah Persson.

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One Response to Cosi Fan Tutte

  1. esmaldone says:

    I thought the voices at our performance of Cosi were all terrific. Each was distinctive enough and each brought a particular color to their role which deepened the impact of the opera as a whole. Do you remember when Despina comes on playing the role of the Doctor and sings in a purposely nasal quality for its dramatic effect? I wonder if you looked for one perfect sound for your new violin, or were you looking for an instrument flexible enough to make different colors easily? It can be hard enough to learn to make one beautiful sound, but a real artist has many colors to use as the particular musical context demands. (It takes a lifetime.)

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