Love Letter Through Song

Who doesn’t love a good love story? Our whole world adores it. Love makes us go aww and sometimes even bring tears to our eyes. I found this article a while ago, and wanted to blog about it. In short, it is about a guy who wrote a song for his girlfriend, who moved far away to go to Grad school, with his band and made a pretty creative video about it. He posted the video online and hopes that it will travel to her with the help of the online community, he didn’t tell her about the video, which in my opinion is the sweetest part of the whole thing.

Now to be completely honest, if I didn’t know the back story of the video I wouldn’t like it too much, but the emotional aspect that his story adds make it so much more special. Even when the music isn’t all that great, the fact that it came out of love is enough for some (including me) to make the song nice. Music is tied in many ways to our emotions, and if a song or the story behind a song could touch that, I think that makes it successful.

Check out the video yourself:

Video: Man creates viral video love letter for girlfriend

There’s a lot of different opinions about this video, some people say that it is an attempt for the band to be famous, others say it is an act out of love. I don’t know which one is right, but I would like to believe that he really did do this for his girlfriend. It won’t hurt to have just a little more love in the world.

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2 Responses to Love Letter Through Song

  1. Alexandra Nicoletti says:

    This is kind of like what we learned from the Michael Gordon performance – it’s harder to hate a work of art after meeting its creator. After meeting the creationist himself/herself, it’s much easier to understand where the artistic result came from. Although we are never introduced to the makers of this video, knowing its purpose helps us fathom why it was created. Like you said, the music video would probably not be as popular and as appreciated if it were not for the underlying message of adoration for a long-distance lover. The graphics are interestingly formed, however. It was entertaining to watch and see how many different “facial” expressions could be formed from only three pairs of hands – probably not as easy as it seems!

  2. esmaldone says:

    How is the girl supposed to know it is meant for her? Is she supposed to recognize her boyfriends hands? The hand formations were clever. The “hand piano” was clever. It would have been more clever if there was actually a piano sound at that moment in the song. This is another example of current new technology being put to use in a creative way. It is a small example of how the world is transforming around us in ways we don’t even realize.

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