Italian Americans!

In a recent article in the New York Times there is a discussion of the issue of Italian Americans at CUNY. Due to a lawsuit in the 1980’s and a court decision from the early 1990’s Italian-Americans at CUNY are a protected minority. If this was to happen in any American city, New York would be the likely place (though I might argue that Brooklyn would be the more appropriate location for the epicenter). Then one must consider the Italian-America “diaspora” on Long Island, and especially New Jersey (cf. “The Sopranos,” “Jersey Shore” and now “Boardwalk Empire.” Maybe HBO should sponsor an Italian-American Museum?)

Italian American happen to be a sizable group in this class. I wonder what you (and your parents) think of your identity as Italian-Americans?

Did you know there is an Italian-American Museum on Mulberry Street? I learned something from this site. Do you know the real meaning of the word “Carnevale?”

Here is the link for the museum click here

Here is the link to the NY Times article.

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2 Responses to Italian Americans!

  1. I was interested in reading the Times Article to learn more about the CUNY dispute, but it seems both links provided in the post send me to the museum page. That aside, I was interested in learning the meaning of “carnevale.” Breaking down the word, I guess it made sense that it would deal with meat. New York City is definitely the city for this to happen, the population is just that diverse.

  2. esmaldone says:

    I fixed the link…

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