Author Archives: nzeblisky

Posts by nzeblisky

Symphony Space Presents Stam-Pede--posted on Dec 12, 2010
Nuyorican Poets Cafe--posted on Dec 11, 2010
Trans Siberian Orchestra--posted on Dec 10, 2010
“Crowd Gets Refund Because Steve Martin Refuses to be Funny”--posted on Dec 9, 2010
Giant Nativity at the Met--posted on Dec 8, 2010
Kenny G--posted on Dec 5, 2010
The Magic Flute--posted on Dec 4, 2010
Birdland--posted on Dec 1, 2010
Alvin Ailey American Dance Theater--posted on Nov 29, 2010
Jeremy Penn--posted on Nov 28, 2010
Baryshnikov Arts Center--posted on Nov 27, 2010
The Global Africa Project--posted on Nov 22, 2010
Glimpsing the Brain’s Powers (and Limits)--posted on Nov 19, 2010
Philharmonic at Carnegie: What a difference a hall makes--posted on Nov 14, 2010
STOMP--posted on Nov 11, 2010
Street Art Way Below the Street--posted on Nov 1, 2010
Wintuk--posted on Oct 31, 2010
Bing Wright--posted on Oct 19, 2010
Stephanie and Saar--posted on Oct 15, 2010
Music Artists Shine at Aggiefest--posted on Oct 7, 2010
Earth Leak--posted on Oct 7, 2010
A Year in MP3s--posted on Sep 15, 2010
José Manuel Carreño--posted on Sep 14, 2010
Teenage Girls Explore Their Lives Through a Camera’s Eye--posted on Sep 6, 2010
The Hotel as Art Gallery--posted on Sep 2, 2010

Comments by nzeblisky

"When I read that comment I was kind of taken aback seeing as I had been listening to him for a while and I liked him...but now that I think about it, I don't really know any other jazz musicians to compare him to. Like we discussed in class, just because somebody is more famous doesn't mean he is more talented. Kenny G does appeal to a larger audience and that audience is full of a lot of people who like myself are not really culturally aware enough to know others out there who are a lot better than he is. I'm listening to some other jazz musicians to compare him to now, but I'm not entirely sure who I should listen to for a better comparison. Do you have any suggestions?"
--( posted on Dec 23, 2010, commenting on the post Kenny G )
"I always thought that that video was just random and Katy Perry being weird honestly. Now that I know it was based off of actual artwork, I find it a lot more interesting. As for Cotton's work, his paintings are great- they could be mistaken for actual pictures at first glance."
--( posted on Dec 8, 2010, commenting on the post California Gurls in a Candy Land )
"Thanks for sharing all that with us Praveena :) Despina was my favorite in the opera. I liked reading that background info about her. I'm sure she has a bright future ahead of her."
--( posted on Dec 8, 2010, commenting on the post Danielle de Niese’s story (because 90% of the class didn’t get to go backstage) )
"Those are really beautiful pictures and I think it's amazing that he was able to capture the photos at exactly the right time. I wonder how long it takes him to get it right- it probably could get frustrating to be that exact."
--( posted on Dec 8, 2010, commenting on the post Liquid Sculptures )
"I think that this would be an interesting play to watch because it's about a real issue. When I read your post I was reminded of Israel Horowitz ("The Indian Wants the Bronx") because his plays were about real issues, such as racism."
--( posted on Nov 10, 2010, commenting on the post ‘The Scottsboro Boys’ on Broadway )
"Clarissa, I'm glad you decided to post this up because I honestly had no clue what you were referring to last night and I would have forgotten to look it up. I think the story behind Tartini's piece "Devil's Trill Sonata" makes the piece even more interesting to listen to because I knew it had some sort of a mysterious background. As I was listening to the videos you posted, I found it amazing that he could remember so much detail from his dream. I can understand why he'd be disappointed though, because in his dream it sounded so beautiful but it's so difficult to really remember a lot from a dream. Either way, I think that the "Devil's Trill Sonata" sounded amazing. I also like how you included Paganini in your post since that is technically who you referred to, and how you included another devil inspired piece. Great post :)"
--( posted on Nov 4, 2010, commenting on the post Devil Music )
"I just browsed through some of the pictures on the site after reading your article and that does look like a fun event to go to! I can't remember the last time I went to a circus and this one looks particularly fun to watch. Actually, while reading your post, I was somehow reminded of Wintuk, which I think I'm now going to post a blog on. :)"
--( posted on Oct 31, 2010, commenting on the post The Circus )
"That's awesome! Just seeing that makes me want to go eat there. I clicked on the link and looked at the others and showed my mom who's here with me because I think it looks so cool. It kind of reminds me of that show Cake Boss because he makes so many different types of figures out of foods for his cakes."
--( posted on Oct 17, 2010, commenting on the post Art For Lunch )
"Aw this is really nice. I think this is a sweet sounding song in general and I really like how all the cultures are brought together in this video that's great. I think the blending of all the cultures makes the song seem more powerful. I'm glad I listened to this :)"
--( posted on Oct 15, 2010, commenting on the post Many People, One Song )
"I think that's pretty interesting that such modern rappers are going to make music with an oldschool twist. I did listen to the two links you posted and they a nice change of pace for me to listen to- they were also pretty relaxing. I'm now interested to hear some of the rappers you mentioned do these live jazz performances."
--( posted on Sep 15, 2010, commenting on the post Rap Like You’ve Never Heard it Before )
"I loveee taking pictures at events and at one point in my life I actually wanted to be a photographer. I think that photographs of anything can be beautiful when taken from the right angles. I actually read this article on the New York Times online while browsing through the arts section so, good pick :)."
--( posted on Sep 15, 2010, commenting on the post Allen Ginsberg: Awakened to an Art )
"I would have never thought that painting over a photograph could make the image look better than the photograph alone since it is combining two contrasting forms of artwork. I just browsed through the photographs on the link and most all of the pieces look beautiful and look so much more full of life with the colors Richter has used. I really like what he has done."
--( posted on Sep 13, 2010, commenting on the post Overpainted and Understated )