Author Archives: Sandra Lau

Posts by Sandra Lau

Pac Man!--posted on Dec 10, 2010
Artistic ways to say four words--posted on Dec 7, 2010
Love Letter Through Song--posted on Dec 6, 2010
Dealing with Autism--posted on Dec 1, 2010
Brain Washing With Music--posted on Nov 23, 2010
For Your Commuting Entertainment--posted on Nov 22, 2010
Harry Potter Midnight Premiere!!!--posted on Nov 19, 2010
Thanksgiving Parade--posted on Nov 18, 2010
Real Live Quidditch!--posted on Nov 16, 2010
Coloring Inside the Lines--posted on Nov 8, 2010
Where Dance meets Politics--posted on Nov 2, 2010
Music Videos--posted on Oct 29, 2010
A World Without Sounds--posted on Oct 26, 2010
Art For Lunch--posted on Oct 17, 2010
Where our music was…--posted on Oct 15, 2010
Wearable Art--posted on Oct 5, 2010
The original is always better?--posted on Sep 25, 2010
Friendlier Ballet Dancers--posted on Sep 19, 2010
“Skyroom Project”--posted on Sep 13, 2010
“Priceless” Art in Tough Times--posted on Aug 31, 2010
Randy Cohen: One Man Show--posted on Aug 30, 2010
John Cage on TV--posted on Aug 30, 2010

Comments by Sandra Lau

"If singers and musicians didn't have opinions, their music would be boring. Music and all arts are forms of expression. Expressing feelings and opinions through notes or colors. To say that performers shouldn't have opinions and just sing diminishes the value of their performance. We all listen to songs and say "hey that's exactly how I feel right now", and in a lot of cases that's why we love it. Taylor Swift is known for singing everything that goes on in her life, and her songs are popular because people can relate. They can remember the feeling of their first break up or their freshmen year in high school. Although I'm not a huge fan of Lady Gaga, I can appreciate her trying to make such a big statement through her music. Since she's so popular, maybe she can actually make a different and help some people."
--( posted on Nov 30, 2010, commenting on the post Singers and Performing Artists in General Can Have Opinions, Right? )
"That is creepy, but kind of cool. I agree with you that I would not want a camera fastened to the back of my head, that would just be too weird. This is fascinating, and it makes me wonder why this professor decided to start this project in the first place. The photographs seem like it would be interesting to see, but I imagine there wouldn't be that many interesting things going on behind this man every minute."
--( posted on Nov 26, 2010, commenting on the post Eyes in the Back of His Head )
"wow that video of the electric violin was really cool, the other one was impressive as well, but seriously the violin, that is awesome!"
--( posted on Nov 23, 2010, commenting on the post For Your Commuting Entertainment )
"I find it really odd that you and Alyssa wrote about the same thing with the same title. I guess you guys read the same article. To answer your question, I don't think ballet is dying. It is true that there are a lot more people who are interested in "modern" dance rather than ballet, but it is most definitely not dying. I think there will always be people who want to see ballet or want to be a ballerina, it's such a timeless and classic thing that I just don't think it would die. It is relatively less popular, but there is still a huge group of audience for ballet."
--( posted on Nov 23, 2010, commenting on the post Ballet: Thriving or Fading? )
"Wow that's amazing. I found all the artist very inspiring. Schizophrenia is truly a terrible thing, and I love how they found something in their life that makes it better. This just proves that the arts are for everyone, they have such an impairing condition and yet they still have the ability to make such beautiful artwork. This is amazing."
--( posted on Nov 22, 2010, commenting on the post “Crazy Art” )
"Last night's event was one of my favorites from all the shows that we've seen. The music was good, that one song about a teenage boy and the girl he likes was adorable. The show exceeded my expectations, because I thought it was going to be a boring lecture. I love that they included the audience, and made a few jokes to keep us entertained. Although I don't have much prior knowledge about the musical aspect, I did understand all the psychology reference. It was so cool that I was able to follow what they were talking about with the areas of the brain and think to myself "Oh I learned that in class before". I went in with very low expectations, and ended up coming out of the show very impressed. If I could do that for the next show, maybe I'll get the same results."
--( posted on Nov 5, 2010, commenting on the post Comments about “Brain and Music” )
"That's one of my favorite shows, the most impressive cake that they've made (at least in my opinion) is the Hogwarts Castle. It was so detailed and soooooo amazing looking. It may be my favorite because I love Harry Potter, but even the other cakes that they've made are also very impressive. I don't know if I'll ever get a cake that looks more like decoration than anything, but they sure look fun."
--( posted on Nov 2, 2010, commenting on the post SugARTists )
"I've never been to a circus because I'm terrified of clowns. This blog makes me want to go to one, because it sounds really cool! But the reality is, my phobia is keeping me from experiencing this. Maybe I'll get over it one day and have a chance to see something as cool as this."
--( posted on Oct 28, 2010, commenting on the post The Circus )
"Well I'm guessing that you didn't read an interview about her father's opinions on how she chooses to grow up, he actually supports her. From one of the articles that I've read, he says she's just trying to grow up like many girls her age are. I found that statement very offensive, Miley Cyrus is our age and I think it's unfair to put judgment on all 18 year old girls to justify her inappropriate behavior. I think she's going to be the next Lindsay Lohan, I'm just waiting for the news of Miley going into rehab or jail."
--( posted on Oct 27, 2010, commenting on the post Miley Cyrus: Too much too fast? )
"You're totally right, fame comes too easily for a lot of people who don't deserve it. Personally I think some of the most famous people now, don't have nearly as much talent as those that most people choose to ignore. I feel like, a lot of times it isn't about how talented you are but how marketable you are. Some actors or actresses just have to look good for them to be famous, it really is unfair. And you'll be famous one day, I've heard you sing =]"
--( posted on Oct 27, 2010, commenting on the post Celebrity-Worthy? )
"OMG! I'm so jealous. I love Muse, they're one of my favorite bands! I probably don't like them as much as you do, because not all of their music is to my liking, but I do love them. I actually discovered them because of one of my friends and have been listening to them ever since. I think their style is so unique to them, and I just love that about the band. It's so cool that the first vlog is about Muse, it makes me smile when I think about it. Great job with the vlog, and yay for your courage! Awesome vlog post =]"
--( posted on Oct 26, 2010, commenting on the post Vlog: Muse Live at Nassau Coliseum )
"Wow was one of the best versions of this song that I've ever heard. I love how they tie all those voices together, this song is beautiful and amazing. You're right, it's extraordinary how music can bring people together and have such a profound effect all over the world. This post was awesome!"
--( posted on Oct 15, 2010, commenting on the post Many People, One Song )
"If I had to list the kind of music that I like, rock/alternative would be the first on my mind and orchestral music would come much later. Even though you mention people have attempted to make the two closer, I've never heard of it. I listened to a bit of the video that you posted in the blog, but the quality of the sounds were kind of bad. It makes me want to hear it live, to really experience the music. As a non musician, I find it pretty amazing that people can play one instrument, let alone many of them. The fact that he's so versatile is very impressive. It's nice to know there are many talented people in the world."
--( posted on Oct 15, 2010, commenting on the post Alexander Markov: Two Sides of the Same Coin )
"Aside from the music itself, the thing that impressed me the most were the decorations. The lighting and the colors that they use sets the audience in a relaxed mood, which allows us to fully enjoy the performance. It was the first time that I've ever been to a place like Le Poisson Rouge, and I'm not disappointed by what I'd found. I can't exactly comment on how great their playing was since I'm not familiar with playing music, but it sounded very nice. The performers movements during the piece showed me how engaged someone could be when they're doing something they love, it was a pleasure to watch. Overall, I'm very satisfied with the entire experience. From the subway ride with everyone, having free sushi with Clarissa, hearing the sound check, to the actual show itself. It was all fun and I'm glad that we get the opportunity to have these experiences."
--( posted on Sep 28, 2010, commenting on the post Le Poisson Rouge )
"That is an interesting type of art, and the Rhythm 0 performance seem like something worth going to see. In a lot of books, authors show the cruelty of human nature but I've never heard about it in art. An interactive type art is not something that I've ever seen but I think I want to go now."
--( posted on Sep 22, 2010, commenting on the post Deadly Performance Art )
"Wow this is amazing. Beauty and the Beast is my favorite story of all times, and I have read several interpretations of it but this one is very interesting. There are some darker versions of the story, but every single one that I've read did have a happy ending. What this composer did was completely out of the box. The article really opened a new aspect of the story for me."
--( posted on Sep 20, 2010, commenting on the post Beauty and the Beast…as an opera? )
"That is quite amazing and it would attract a wider audience. It's nice to see that art has evolved into so many different things in our day and age. I loved the article. -Sandra"
--( posted on Sep 1, 2010, commenting on the post A Da Vinci Comes to Life )