Trump May Have America, But the City Is Still Ours

Shainu George

Reflection 1 of 5

Trump May Have America, But the City Is Still ours

David Wallace-Wells

Although Trump is president, the city can still have the diversity and tolerance that it aims for. At first, people were upset over the presidential elections, especially in the city. I remember kids crying when they came to school the day after elections with fears that their parents would get deported.  The results of the election were so unexpected. We just continued to live in denial, even after the fact. However, as time went on, I realized how strong the city really was. We didn’t accept defeat but fought back. The author says, “The city will continue to be itself — a theater of freaks and refugees and the restless” (1). That statement is very accurate. I was able to attend the women’s march of 2018 and I was able to see with my own eyes how powerful these people are. They refused to be silenced. Posters saying “Pussy grabs back” and “Women’s rights are human rights” show the true spirit of the city. Even my high school, Brooklyn Tech is planning a walkout to protest against gun violence. The spirit of the city lays in the fact that we will not be tamed. We will fight for what’s right until we get it the results we want.


  1. The fact that Trump is from New York City shows that not all New Yorkers preach democracy and freedom. How do we spread democracy within our own walls?
  2. How did the other states react to the news of the election?

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