Is the City ours?

Response 2 of 5: “Trump May Have America, But the City Is Still Ours” by David Wallace-Wells

By: Mariam Esa


David Wallace-Wells begins the article by recalling the morning after the election- it was indeed a day of mourning. This made me recall memories of my own of that day. I remember being extra cautious on my walk to school, my eyes darting everywhere. I remember my teacher closing the lights and opening the inauguration speech and we sat there in the dark with solemn expressions on our faces. I remember my principal calling an assembly that day to tell us to be careful when going outside, to stay in groups, to stay safe.

My principal went over some safety protocols that day because of the election of Donald Trump as the president of the United States, and it wasn’t without reason. Since then, there have been a significant amount of hate crimes; the city itself has not been immune to this. So why does Wallace-Wells claim the city still belongs to us? It seems to me that he believes we are not all mute in the midst of all this. He says, “We know this city is, ultimately, ungovernable- that it is too unruly, that it’s at its best when it’s unruly”. But wouldn’t order and rule be more preferable since it brings about “peace”? No, because staying silent isn’t peace; if anything, it’s fear-justified fear. But this has not stopped the people of this city.  They continue to come together, to hold protests and rallies and walks. To let the president and the world know that they will continue to fight for what they believe is right. Maybe it’s because we are so accustomed to diversity, because we have grown up with it all around us. Maybe it’s this that brings so many people of different backgrounds-of different race, ethnicity, and religion-together. Trump may have America, but you can be sure we won’t be silenced- because the city is still ours.



Do you believe the city is still ours? Or that it ever was?

Do you agree that the city is “at it’s best when it’s unruly”? Why or why not?

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