The Museum of the City of New York

The City Museum of New York

Joseph Dwan

Reflection 2 of 5


The City Museum was one that I had not heard of nor went to before the Class trip. However upon hearing about it, my interest was immediately piqued as I knew a bit about the city, but there was so much more history to explore. Upon arrival, I was struck by how pretty the exterior looked and upon entering, I couldn’t help but notice the opposites the inside and outside of the museum looked. It seemed old school and classical on the outside but modern and “hip” as the kids say on the inside. The exhibits were very well put together and broke everything down to the basics into easy to understand panel boards to read.


The parts of the museum that particularly connects with the class was the diversity and density parts of the exhibits. I really liked the maps that showed how the city’s specific sectors were continuously changing in their ethnic makeups. I know it seemed silly, but as a kid I had always thought that each ethnic group claimed their little piece and stuck with it, I had no idea that they moved around this much. I also liked how much emphasis was placed on the money part. It shows the wealth disparity and how it was distributed around one of the most prosperous cities in America. The museum is something every New Yorker should see and I would recommend any tourists to drop by to see that New York is so much more than an apple and Fuggedaboutit.



Do you have any suggestions to make to the museum to better represent the time periods?


Has New York City been accurately represented in the Museum, did it go in depth enough?


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