Man in the Sharkskin Suit

Vijay Deopersaud

Post 2 of 5

The story of Lucette Lagnado’s immigration to the United States is detailed in, “Man in the Sharkskin Suit”. She begins the story, delving into the life of luxury that she once used to have when she resided in Cairo. Her father, Leon Lagnado was a wealthy businessman but unfortunately was not immune to the influence of the Suez Canal crisis. As a result, they were forced to shift around from place to place finally settling in the United States. It was not an easy transition however; they went from a life of grandeur to poverty. The luxuries of the past were just faint memories now. Leon went from making business deals to a humble street vendor. Be it as it may, this was not the most challenging aspect. Cairo was their home, and Leon especially missed it.

This kind of immigration story, while a bit extreme, is not uncommon as we have encountered in class. More so, the longing for a sense of community is what is desired by most new immigrants. This common mentality in addition to living costs in certain communities is what creates ethnic enclaves. While this will help prevent a longing for home, it cannot replace what they left from however.


  1. If Leon was able to return to a modern Cairo at this moment, do you think he would want to?
  2. What prevented Leon from bringing his wealth with him when he was moving?
  3. How does an experience like this make an individual stronger?

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