Undocumented Immigrants

Response 5 of 5

Sarah C. Bishop, “(Un)documented immigrant media makers and the search for connection online”

In her article “(Un)documented immigrant media makers and the search for connection online” Sara Bishop discusses how the internet and media have been an outlet through which undocumented immigrants can tell their stories. Bishop interviewed many undocumented immigrants about their experience, hardships and their decision of whether or not to “come out” as undocumented. They all share a common fear of repercussion which dissuaded them from sharing their immigration status. But, many undocumented immigrants have made the decision to tell their stories online through the use of websites like YouTube and various other social media.

Bishop interviewed 25 undocumented immigrants, who have “come out” about their status online. Undocumented Immigrants are often portrayed as criminal. job stealing, and lazy. These stereotypes have caused public opinion to stigmatize undocumented immigrants and make assumptions about who they are. Many of the people Bishop interviewed immigrated to the USA at a young age and some were even unaware of their undocumented status. Bishop quotes Sonia, an undocumented 22 year old from Mexico “My dad made it seem like we should… never tell anyone you’re undocumented, never ever, it’s the worst thing you could do.” Because of this fear of repercussion, undocumented immigrants share a feeling of isolation by not connecting with others that are like them. This feeling of isolation in combination with other things is what prompted these participants to share their status using the internet.

In general, social media is a very effective way to bring attention to something. The internet has so much reach and anything posted on there can go viral in minutes. In addition, it isn’t hard to make and post a video online, which makes the internet an ideal platform for this. Undocumented immigrants share their status using media not only to find others like them but also just share their stories and experiences and shift the narrative and public perception of them. It is important for them to be heard for this reason.

New York City is home to many undocumented immigrants who have shared their stories. Stereotypes portray them as separate from our society, when many undocumented immigrants have lived here the majority of their lives and are as American as any other citizen. Through sharing their experiences, undocumented immigrants combat stereotypes, preconceived notions about them and allow them to not hide who they are.


  1. Do you think undocumented immigrates who share their stories online have changed the public opinion about them?
  2. What are the negatives of using the internet as a platform for undocumented immigrants to share their stories?

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